Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


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Early Childhood

Early Childhood

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Alejandra Guerra Alejandra Guerra 640 Points

Hands on experiments are great for child development, what materials would be approprite to use for young children?

Sydni Callahan Sydni Callahan 400 Points

If able, try to get your students to a garden or encourage your school to build one! There are so many different lessons you could use with a garden, the kids would love it too! 

Stephanie Curriero Stephanie Curriero 165 Points

I feel like there are so many materials you can use, especially when working with younger children. For example, I just finished up an experiment with magents. We used magnet wands to explore which objects attract or repel - we had so much fun trying this out with other materials in their backpack and around the classroom!

Jocelyn Bouchair Jocelyn Bouchair 470 Points

Hello Stephanie, I love that idea! kids love magnets, it's almost like magic to them. When we allow children to experience science in these ways they develop a love for learning and for science. 

Nicole Neumann Nicole Neumann 440 Points

 There are so many hands-on experiments we as teachers can do in the classroom. I know my students love making slime. It can be messy but they love seeing all of the solids, liquids come together to make a gooey slime. This experiment also allows for students to predict what will happen and observe as they continuously mix it. You can also start to add objects to the slime. Teachers could add dice or beads and have the students determine what's inside of the slime. This allows for creativity and imagination. Speaking from a student's perspective hands-on experiments helped me really grasp an understanding. As previously mentioned magnets are also a great material to use. Other materials could be toy cars, weighted scales, and your local playground! Happy experimenting!

Kassidy Perry Kassidy Perry 260 Points

Hey Nicole, I love the idea of creating slime in the classroom! I can only imagine how much my students would love this. I am curious as to if you sent it home with them at the end of the day, and if so, how the parents reacted to it? I am afraid they would not be too happy with me! 

Joy Smith Joy Smith 605 Points

Hello Alejandra,

I think there are so many materials out there for young children that are great for hands on activities. I think one of my favorite STEM activities for this age just involves recyclables. You collect toilet paper rolls, wrapping paper rolls and paper towel rolls. (Cut up pieces of cove molding also work great but not needed). Then with your room objects (EX. Block center, desks, chairs, etc.) you create a marble course with the recyclables. You can use all different types of balls (ping bong, bouncy balls, pom poms, etc.) for the children to experiment with what kind works best. Make sure that none are small enough to fit into their mouths.

Juliana Texley Juliana Texley 1490 Points

I like all these activities. But I resist isolated activities, since children don't learn with one-shot experiences. I love (and write) progressive sequences that repeat the same big idea again and again, embedding them in stories (literature) and long term goals (summative projects.) Too many early childhood activities just sit in isolation. It is also important to have formative assessments that measure STEM skills and habits of mind, not just language arts.

Melanie Lynch Melanie Lynch 440 Points

I feel that young students love to explore through engaging and hands on activities. It allows them to form a connection between what they already know and what they are learning through the content material. Instead of memorizing material to know, hands on activities allow students to really learn the material and retain what they have learned so that content can be extended in future curriculum related courses. 

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