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Elementary Science

Elementary Science

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Erika Pena Erika Pena 220 Points

Something really important to teach elementary students is the ability to know science. They need to experience and explore the nature and the true meaning of what science is. For elemenatary students the first thing that needs to be taught are the safety rules of a science lab. This will help the students understand the different concepts of what leads the experiments to. It is also good to have disecting activities where students will develop knowledge of the animals. Science is something incredible to talk about. 

Matt Bobrowsky Matt Bobrowsky 6410 Points

If you want to get students interested in science, the first thing to do is not safety rules, but showing them some interesting phenomenon.  Let them explore and discover. 

Science is a process for learning. Show students some interesting phenomenon, and have them discuss and investigate what's going on. This is the basis of Phenomenon-Based Learning, where students are motivated to learn through their own curiosity. See:

And definitely look at Berkley's Understanding Science website. It is excellent.

There are teacher resources for all grade levels.



Ailany Morin Ailany Morin 350 Points

Hello Erika, I agree with your post 100%. However, today's classroom are very diverse so I feel like for students to learn science effective. Educators must recognize and build on students’ “fund of knowledge” as a foundation and embed assessments that take into account linguistic & cultural influence that affect students thinking and reasoning. 

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