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AP Prep courses on EdX

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Jennifer Rahn Jennifer Rahn 67985 Points

I just received an email with a list of new courses offered by EdX for high school students specifically. Knowing how difficult it can be to prepare for many of the tests, including chemistry, I was really excited to see a free option for prepping. In addition to chemistry, AP-prep courses will be offered in biology, environmental science, physics, stats, engineering mathematics, and calculus. Some will not be online until next year, but several are available this fall.

EdX High School Courses

Naomi Beverly Naomi Beverly 19130 Points

Jennifer- Have you tried these yet? How has your experience been? If not, please update the post when you do, because if they're great I'd like to forward this info to some of my friends who teach HS courses. Thanks! Naomi Beverly

Rebecca Falin Rebecca Falin 71550 Points

These high school courses will be first time offerings, so there isn't any feedback available yet. However, I'm looking forward to auditing a couple of them for ideas for my AP classes. I've taken over a dozen college-level edX MOOCs and have not been disappointed.

Naomi Beverly Naomi Beverly 19130 Points

Rebecca- Thanks for the feedback. I am still working my way through all the PD opportunities on the NSTA portal, (from the bottom up) but I still love knowing about all the cool things upper level science educators are doing so I can have some great info to share with my upper level friends (if they don't already know it!!) All the best, Naomi Beverly

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68645 Points

I have also taken several online MOOCs. My experience has been that EDX does a better job than most. I also tried a couple on Coursera. There the quality was variable. Some good and others not so good at all

Viviana Haynes Viviana Haynes 1415 Points

how can one access this prep?

Holly Shum Holly Shum 3665 Points

Thank you for sharing. Are those all free of charge? How do I register for a spot?

Rebecca Falin Rebecca Falin 71550 Points

The Audit/Honor Code Certificate option is free (the verified certificate can be done for a price). The course is the same for both options. There are no limits to the number of participants - there are generally thousands of registered students, although not all complete all the component of the course to earn a certificate. Go to www.edx.org, create an account, and browse the classes. When you find one that interests you click on the Learn More button. This will open a page with more information and a button to register for the course. Once you're registered you will have a Dashboard button in the upper right of the screen when you log in. This will take you to your classes. Its really an easy site to use. Have fun!

Holly Shum Holly Shum 3665 Points

Thank you Rebecca! I am solely enrolling for personal interest, does it mean I still have to follow the flow of the lesson? What if I give up in between? Does it affect anything?

Rebecca Falin Rebecca Falin 71550 Points

No, there is no commitment on your part. In fact, the published information on MOOCs indicate that a minority of participants actually complete the entire course. You're welcome to participate in the parts that interest you and not participate in the remainder. You can view the lectures and skip the assessments or complete only those sessions that interest you. There are no repercussions for dropping or not completing a course.

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