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General Science and Teaching

Bullies in Science Classes

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Patricia Rourke Patricia Rourke 45925 Points

There is an interesting note making the rounds of a group of science educators on a Facebook thread and there was an interesting article in the NY Times Magazine on Sunday, August 12, entitled "What's Wrong With A Boy Who Wears A Dress?" Dealing with bully situations are explicit in both of these situations. There also used to be a saying that a science cut can last a life time, implying that teachers should be extra sensitive when offering critical (yes, supportive) comments to students. It appears that the teaching community has traveled a great road with respect to offering sensitive and directive evaluations of science activities and work, but it may be interesting to discuss how we deal with bully scenarios in the science classroom; is this of particular concern for those sensitive middle school years? I'll attach a file of the paper making its rounds in other PLC's and offer it up for your inspection. Check out the NY Times article, too. ~patty

Patricia Rourke Patricia Rourke 45925 Points

My computer was a bit slow this evening but I finally uploaded a copy of the bully paper. I have attached it to this post. Thanks for sharing.


Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92276 Points

Hi Patty, I had not seen that before. Thank you for sharing. I plan to use it if ever I have a need to make that point. It reminds me of the old children's chant - sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That couldn't be further from the truth. Perhaps this year will be the year that for all the globally heightened awareness on this issue we will see kindly results in our school's classrooms. It would be interesting to have others share what they are doing in their schools and classrooms to project a positive and save learning environment for every student. Carolyn

Patricia Rourke Patricia Rourke 45925 Points

Carolyn, Thank you for your reply and sensitivity. I think bullying in any learning environment always is in the minds of educators but may be pushed on the back burner during this busy time of year when everyone is working diligently to transform past curriculum into newer offerings, based upon summer reflections, or merely trying to stay ahead in a new teaching situation. As you said, this paper may be of assistance if or when educators discover bullying occurring. ~Patty

Rochelle Tamiya Rochelle Tamiya 4095 Points

Thank you for sharing that! I believe, especially in middle school that addressing bullying in all aspects and at all levels, from teasing (even laughing at others) to inappropriate use of words and name-calling, put-downs (as small as the word "dummy" may seem) are CRITICAL in stopping and stomping these acts. Although it may seem minor to some of us, to the victim it IS NOT and often becomes the "straw that breaks the camel's back". I am one that is very wary about "minor" bullying within and outside of my science classes, making sure to address each situation. I do explain to students that "you never know the situation that a student may be facing, may be in or has been experiencing within their lives. School should be a safe place to come to, not a place to be afraid of".... One year, our team of teachers got together and had our students write down words, phrases, situations and experiences that they wanted to "get rid of" and had them burn them (telling them that burning would be permanent as compared to tearing the paper or simply crumpling it up and throwing it away) telling them that we would do whatever we could to provide them that place of safety and comfort.

Patricia Rourke Patricia Rourke 45925 Points

Rochelle, Thank you for your post. The passion about stomping out bullying comes through loud and clear in your voice. I especially like the idea of a class discussion about bullying in all of its ugly guises, making a class list generated by the students, and then 'burning' the papers. I am actually wondering how you could use the thermal energy from the burning to measure the change in temperature of water or perhaps figure out how many grams of ice it would melt. Hmm.. I am now wondering if there could be an analogy between the melting us and becoming a friend with someone new in science. Thank you again, Rochelle, for your stimulating post. Patty

Ashley Garcia Ashley Garcia 3290 Points

Hi, Patty! Thank you for sharing this activity. Although I am a pre-service teacher, I have already encountered bullying in several occasions. Earlier this year, I worked as an after school care counselor for a local charter school. One afternoon, I witnessed a Kindergarten student bullying another student. I immediately stepped in to facilitate the situation. This experience showed me that bullying can occur at any age and/or grade level. As teachers, it is important that we establish a positive and safe learning environment for our students. I definitely plan on using this activity in my future classroom.

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