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Hello everyone, I’m supposed to complete the core and PPR exam soon to be on track for graduation. I am very nervous because of previous peers who have taken it and haven’t had good results. If anyone has any recommendations or resources, I can use to prepare myself for these exams please let know, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you!
Hello Valeria,
I completely understand why you are nervous. I found that the hardest thing when it came to studying for the core was understanding exactly what I needed to work on and what would be the best method. If you like interactive models I would recommend 240 tutoring,, and certify teacher. There are also physical books if you feel like you need physical materials to be able to learn. For 240 tutoring I really recommend checking if your university or institution offers a discounted price for the membership to save some money. Remember to be kind to yourself these exams can be challenging. Best of luck!
Hello Valeria, I am also studying for the PPR and content exam, and currently, I'm using two resources 240, tutoring and Certify teacher. They have excellent practice exams that make you feel prepared.
Hello Valeria,
I am also studying for the Core Exam and the PPR, and so far it's so hard to find time to study. I'm currently using 240 tutoring and EZ turoting by James Owings. I've been keeping a jorunal where I write down notes for each exam, for example for the content exam I'm using a five subject notebook.
Hello Valeria,
I am also studying for the Core Exam and PPR Exam this semester, and I am going to be truly honest it has been hard for me to find the study guide or have time for myself to study in my own pace due to having work and full-time classes at night time. I will sugest that you should write down the importance of what is going to be on the test.