W.W. Norton Co - September 30.2024


Forums / Elementary Science / Workshops for STEAM

Elementary Science

Workshops for STEAM

Author Post
Rhonda Young Rhonda Young 600 Points

I am looking for a good professional development workshop on STEAM for next school year. Does anyone have suggestions? --

Cynthia Garcia Cynthia Garcia 2745 Points

Hi Rhonda, I know this is not a workshop, but I remembered coming across this NSTA STEM Conference Forum & Expo in Kissimmee, FL in July. It looks like it is going to be amazing. Here is the link: http://www.nsta.org/conferences/stem.aspx Hope this helps!! -Cynthia

Christina Celi Christina Celi 645 Points

Hello Cynthia, Thanks for the information provided on the this amazing workshop. I would love to attend this summer. Thanks, Christina

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