Any science class in high school will have lessons where a lab is needed to drive home the point. Of course, there always will be students who have something come up, or a doctor's appointment and will subsequently miss the lab. For these instances, how do you handle it? Do you have the students make-up the lab the next day? Before or after school? Are they exempt? I know this can be tricky at times depending on the reasons why students have to miss class, as well as the time out of the school. Thanks!
Hello Brendon,
I can tell you a policy that my high school science teacher had and I think it worked pretty well. If a student was absent for an excused reason then she would allow the student to come in either before or after school to make up the lab within a weeks time. She also had another policy where one lab absense could be excused and you did not have to make it up if you had over an A in the class by the end. So, you could have x amont of absenses by the end of the semester and if your overall grade was an A, she would take one of the missed labs off. Hope this helps a little!
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