Sat, Nov 16, 2019 3:50 PM in Summative Assessment
Hi everyone, I really appreciate the comments here. I'm working on my certificate right now and substituting - the work I'm left for subbing is sometimes tedious to some or all the students. I worry about making sure they stay focused on the things I need them to learn, and as a teacher, I want to make the whole process fun, or at least not disheartening in the way that so many STEM teach...
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Sat, Nov 16, 2019 10:26 AM in New teacher, Need some advice!
I love this advice! Everyone's classroom is different and every student is different, so part of teaching is responding to the context you're placed in. I'm getting certified through a grad program while substitute teaching, and just being in a classroom is giving me all sorts of ideas. Just use every resource available to you and find what works for you.
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Sat, Nov 16, 2019 10:09 AM in The Job Search for STEM Teachers
Hi everyone! I'm working on teacher certification and a master's now, and will be looking for employment pretty soon. I was just wondering if anybody had any tips on finding good employment as a STEM teacher specifically or in general. What do you look for in a school? How can you tell if a school has a supportive environment, or encourages new or different teaching methods? How do you kn...
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