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Mon, Apr 23, 2018 4:46 AM in How competition in schools affect kids!
I do agree with the fact that competition is stressful, especially when one is not confident in the material they are learning. Some students do enjoy some competition in their lives; however, when students who are not confident and in the same team as the competitive students it might create unwanted tension.
On the other hand, I also believe healthy competition is something e...
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Mon, Apr 23, 2018 4:30 AM in Getting students to go above and beyond
One key way of challenging students is by encouraging them to support their peers with the material. Explain to them that if they truly have the greatest understanding of the material that they should be able to teach their peers. Students love helping their peers since not only do they feel satisfied with the fact they helped someone, but also because they can really say they know the material....
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