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Recent Posts by Bailee
Tue, Dec 07, 2021 3:42 PM in Elementary Science experiments
I love this idea! I have seen it done in tv shows but have never seen it done in real life. I believe that this is an engaging way to get students to engage in a lesson. They can predict and observe and engineer their own way to not let the egg crack. I think I saw once that someone put an egg in a jar of peanut butter. I would love to do this with my students and see what they come up with. ...
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Tue, Dec 07, 2021 3:02 PM in No science in 1st grade
I am currently in a first grade student teaching placement and we also dont really do science. We have somuch insturction that we need to get through that we dont have time to do science. this makes me sad because I find science very interesting and would love to do some with my students. I know they would really enjoy it. It was explained to me that since it isnt tested, we usually focus on what...
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Tue, Dec 07, 2021 2:52 PM in Science experiments for kindergarten class
Juliann Brooks I love the idea you had about the food coloring and milk! i like how you tied it into the observe and predict stantards. I was wondering if you tied it into any science standards at all? Could this be modified at all for learners with special needs?
Thanks for this great idea and I would love to use this in a Pre-k or Kindergarten classroom!
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Recent Reviews by Bailee
The Solar System: Elementary Collection
Tue, Dec 07, 2021 3:32 PM
I love this collection. I have students who are very interested in the planets and why we can see some sometimes. I love how this included a daily do. If we want to talk about a topic, the students need it more than one day to grasp the concept. These resources have great material to use in an elementary classroom. this topic might be hard for some students so these resources help with that.
Pumpkin Science Collection
Tue, Dec 07, 2021 3:20 PM
The resources in this collection gave me so many fun ideas to incorporate pumpkins and their many qualities into engaging science lessons. It also gave me some ideas for math like measurement and data. Most of these resources were for elementary and the other items were for middle school. This is a great collection if you are looking for some fall/pumpkin fun in the classroom!
Holiday Science Collection
Tue, Dec 07, 2021 3:10 PM
I love the variety of this collection. there are experiments and hands on activities for all ages. My favorite is the elephant toothpaste in a pumpkin. I can't wait to use some and all of these in my future classroom!
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