Plants Collection
Sun, Nov 06, 2016 4:03 PM
Great resources for Life Science Concepts
I think this was a great collection for teachers to find ideas for an inquiry lesson on plants for elementary students. I find the article “What's So Special About Plants? Inquiry in the Classroom” particularly useful since I am trying to find ideas and resources to use for an inquiry lesson on plants and animals that I am developing. I also liked the article “The Gift of the Tree” you used for your collection. Using science textbooks is sometimes not enough and elementary students can understand science concepts better through literature and trade books. I always liked the idea of incorporating trade books for every academic subject especially in science. Elementary students may find the concept of photosynthesis difficult to understand at first but in the article you have included in your collection gave me an example of how to successfully incorporate it with the inquiry method, songs, and integrated activities through other academic subjects like art and math.