Sat, Apr 21, 2012 3:29 PM in So, What is On Your Wish List?
I would like to have a classroom that is separate from the shop, renovate the tractor shed and shade house because they are older than me, and a smart board would be nice. I am probably one of the few teachers in the state that still has a chalkboard. But, the number 1 thing on my wish list is for all my students to bring paper and pencil to class. In my 5 years teaching, I have not had 1 class...
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Sun, Apr 08, 2012 2:36 PM in Vermicomposting
HI, Just wondering if anyone answered Rachel's question about the where to find the worms, as I am looking for worms too. Don't want to buy from the worm lady, way too expensive, don't have enough money, and i'd rather the money go to another school.
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Fri, Mar 23, 2012 10:53 PM in Scientific Inquiry
Thank you Carolyn,
I will definitely look at the links. I teach natural resources to 10th graders; most of which are special ed. or 504 students. I'm trying to teach them to think on their own and not rely on the teacher to provide all the answers.
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