Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025
  • Merissa Taylor

    Merissa Taylor

My NSTA / Peers / Merissa Taylor

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  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Merissa

    Physical Science

    How Does the Air in Tires Support a 3,300- Pound Racecar is a fun interactive lesson plan. This lesson is about a Race car design features that help the cars move easily through air, as well as use air to propel the car forward. In this lesson, students explore how the air inside the tires can support the weight of the race car. After conducting an investigation, students use their observations to explain this phenomenon. Physical Education Meets Physical Science is a journal article. This article is an interdisciplinary lesson that allows students to experience physical science first hand. It gives scripts, pictures, and multiple fun interactive hands-on lessons for all age groups of students. To Be or Not To Be a Golf Courbghbuguhughbugse in Wimberley. This is the case study but I had to download it into a PDF because it wouldn't show in my library. This interrupted case study examines the tensions that a small town in Texas faces between economic development and the preservation o

    6 Resources

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    Earth Science & Solar System

    In this collection I have different lesson plans, videos, and activities to help students understand the solar system and the world around them a little bit better. Why is Our Sun So Big and Bright - This is a lesson plan to help the students really understand the universe. The students will develop an understanding that starts vary in their size and distance from earth. Shadow Play is a Journal Article that I also picked out. This is also a book that is about students observing shadow through various activities and at the same time, learning about seasonal changes. Seeing the Solar System Through Two Perspectives is a Journal Article designed to help students explore Earth and space science by modeling and observing patterns. Plants, Animals, and Earth Processes, Oh My is a very interesting journal article with lots of resources. It has different books and engaging activities/ games for the students. It also has different things you are able to do for grades 3-5 with online connecti

    6 Resources

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