Sun, Apr 17, 2016 3:28 PM in Teaching Science to Kindergarten in a Short Time Frame
Definitely try to incorporate science in other lessons such as reading. The students could read books about gravity, for example, and that could also be a science lesson along with a reading lesson. This will widen your time for a science lesson. Maybe read a science related book and then in science class do an activity about the book that could also be a reading comprehension activity. I b...
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Sun, Apr 17, 2016 3:23 PM in Animals in the classroom?
You could probably start with asking your principal. He/she is a good resource for these kind of things since they should know the policies from your school district and what is and isn't allowed. Following, you could also ask the School Officer as he should know the laws of your state with what could be in the classroom and what cannot. Moreover, be sure the parents are all aware if you pl...
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Fri, Apr 24, 2015 9:36 PM in Classroom Management
In order to ensure classroom management is to teach the procedures and rules of the classroom at the very beginning of the school year so they know the routine. When conducting a new activity, however, that adjusts the rules, the idea is to make sure they understand the rules for that particular lesson and possibly practice procedures with them. For example, if you're going over safety rules, you ...
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