Tue, Sep 23, 2014 12:34 AM in Unit Plan on Trees
One of our classes required us to create a unit lesson, and we chose to do it on trees.
For math, we focused on measuring trees. We measured a tree poster at the front of the class using index card. We used a scale (each index card = ___ ft.) and had students convert.
For science, we discussed the life cycle of a tree. For social studies, we discussed the importance of trees. We also had studen...
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Tue, Sep 23, 2014 12:20 AM in Classroom management
I would define disruptive behavior as a behavior that interrupts learning or a behavior that is risky to a child's safety.
I believe in consistency. Rules are rules and they should apply equally to everyone. When I first began working with students, I had trouble being consistent. I would allow one student to break a rule, and the rest of the students would do the same without expecting a conseq...
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Tue, Sep 23, 2014 12:09 AM in Seating Charts
I am currently at student teacher in a first grade classroom. Initially, my teacher allowed students to choose their seat. After the second week of school and becoming for familiar with the students, she began making changes. Students are seated in clustered groups, and they are distributed evenly according to academic levels. Students who are often off-task were placed closer to the board and clo...
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