Tue, Apr 29, 2014 8:01 PM in Energy
It went great! The students had a lot of fun and they learned the concepts I taught.
Arlene, I actually used the website and it helped students wrap their heads around what what happening with the roller coasters. Thank you!
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Tue, Apr 29, 2014 7:58 PM in Space Unit
Thank you everyone for your responses!
I am actually writing up the lessons for a science methods course I am taking at my university. However, the grade that I am focusing on is 6th grade.
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Wed, Apr 09, 2014 3:21 PM in Space Unit
Hi everyone!
I have to create a unit for my methods of teaching science class. I decided to focus on space science, but it is so board. I do not where to begin and what to focus on. I also have to write an introductory lesson. What are some introductory lessons or activities I can use if I decided to focus on the planets or the moon?
Thank you!
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