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Sun, Aug 30, 2020 2:33 AM in Soon to be a teacher
Hello everyone! I am currently enrolled for a class in my university and my professor asked us to join this website and ask a question. Honestly I am glad she did because I am liking this website. Also, my question is, for the people who are teaching this year, what do you think of having to teach virtually? I know there is a huge difference from teaching virtually and teaching in person, but I w...
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Sun, Aug 30, 2020 2:11 AM in Future Teachers
Hello Mia! I am also currently enrolled in a course at a university, so hopefully, I could help you since I want to say you are also becoming a teacher! I believe the best way to incorporate science in the classroom and to be able to encourage them to want to learn more about the subject is to find a topic that applies to real life. If students know that the topic they're learning because whe...
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