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Sun, Jan 17, 2021 11:38 PM in Teacher Resources
Hi everyone, I know there are lots of resources that teachers can use for their lessons. I currently work with kindergarteners and have used Disney+ and Amazon Prime as a resource to show the students educational films such as films about animals/their habitats, or short kid films that have some type of lesson to them that I can then talk about more in depth with the students afterwards. My quest...
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Sun, Jan 17, 2021 11:18 PM in Video or Zoom?
Hi Mackenzie! I currently also work with kindergarteners and I think that having a scheduled zoom with them is the better option. I think that when it is done through zoom, the kids are able to interact with you by answering or asking questions. It's also easier to discuss things with them this way since they are still young and may need clarification at times. This would also allow the stude...
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