Sun, Feb 21, 2016 8:26 PM in Scared Beyond Science
I 100% feel the same way. Science hasn't always been my forte, so teaching it will definitely be challenging for me. The best way that I am trying to prepare myself is to take everything in from my science classes and use the resources from this website. Another way is searching for science lesson plans that are fun and engaging for students. I know I'll never be a science expert, but I will do th...
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Sun, Feb 21, 2016 7:44 PM in 1st year teachers and parents
I can completely relate to your concerns. It's interesting because I recently shared the same concerns with my cooperating teacher. My biggest fear is that parents will take advantage of me or not take me seriously. The advice that she gave me was to be confident, stand your ground, and always be prepared. She also advised me that parents are usually accepting of new teachers and most of those fea...
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Sun, Feb 21, 2016 4:58 PM in Behavior Management
This a great question! Science experiments and observations can definitely get students excited and somewhat out of control. However, I was reading the classroom management forum and found that some teachers assign students different jobs within their science groups in order to keep everyone on task. I thought this was an excellent idea. Each student has a job and is held accountable for that job....
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