Tue, Nov 06, 2012 1:57 PM in Planets
The last I heard, Pluto was dethroned as a planet. This would mean those fun little mnemonic devices used to remember the order of the planets will have to be adjusted. Below is a link an article National Geographic put out back in 2006.
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Tue, Nov 06, 2012 1:52 PM in The Lorax
I haven't used The Lorax book yet, but was planning to in 3rd quarter. I wanted students to see the parallels between The Lorax and the sandalwood trade that occurred in Hawaii. I was looking to make it an integrated unit, with science and language arts. I'd like students to be able to identify who might be the Lorax in the sandalwood situation, who might be the Onceler etc. Since we are currently...
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Tue, Nov 06, 2012 1:43 PM in Did you see the moon tonight?
Maybe after students understand what causes the different moon phases to occur, you could do a "backwards" activity that would demonstrate how much of that concept they really got. Perhaps you could show them a moon calendar. Hawaiians used them for planting and fishing. Based on the moon calendar, students could identify their observations and then based on their observations create inferences of...
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