NARIKA_December Campaign
  • Nicole Lopez

    Nicole Lopez

My NSTA / Peers / Nicole Lopez

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  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Nicole


    This collection below is based on plant life. All of the resources are aimed towards an elementary level. I did a case study and unit lesson on plants for my TSL class so that is the reason that I created this specific collection. I thought that web seminar would be an interesting resource to add because Ms. Phipps goes over a VERY stellar activity. Ms. Phipps actually shares strategies with the viewers where students get the opportunity to learn how plants can be grown in space. I thought that was completely mind-blowing! The other resources are book chapters and articles that teach different aspects of plants; specifically how they move, how pollutions affects them, and how all life on earth depends on plants!

    7 Resources

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    Human Body

    This collection has resources that are meant for elementary and middle school students. I personally don't remember learning a lot about the human body when I was younger; I remember that I was really introduced to it in my high school biology class. The resources below have age-appropriate book chapters and articles that I collected on the NSTA website. They focus on different parts of the body (skin, heart, and skeleton), diet, and how exercise can affect you positively. You will read in these articles that students explore the human body through inquiry-based activities which will help you develop a lesson to teach your students too.

    6 Resources

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  • Forum Posts
  • Reviews

Forum Posts 7 Public Collections 4 Reviews 8

Activity Points

This month 0 This year 0 All Time 1,690

Badges Earned
Onyx Advocator Onyx Commenter Onyx Disseminator NSTA Resource Activator NSTA Resource Optimizer
NSTA Resource Accelerator