Mon, Nov 30, 2015 11:21 PM in Should we require creativity?
Perhaps it should not be graded on, because creativity can become really subjective, but it should always be encouraged. I have a background in the arts, performance and fine, and I can tell you for some students (if not most) this can create and maintain engagement. The universe is big and beautiful, thus, so should our science.
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Mon, Nov 30, 2015 11:15 PM in Elementary Science Misconceptions
Though it may not be a very common adult misconception, the senses are a great place to really dive into the power of the brain. To think that sounds is made of vibrations and that color is manifestations of light. These are very powerful and complex ideas, but I think it is great to build a strong foundation because this skill set lends itself to many science concepts as the students grow older.
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Mon, Nov 30, 2015 11:09 PM in Incorporating science with ALL ages
Hello, I have to say that your initial point made me smile, because I thought this was going to say the opposite. I am working towards finishing my degree in elementary and secondary education. Throughout that time, I have done a lot of field experience in upper elementary. This semester, I was placed in a K class. The amount of work that I had to go through to bring my lessons to more basic conce...
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