Analogies: Powerful Teaching-Learning Tools

by: Thomas O'Brien

In this activity, teachers explore how teaching shares some attributes with a variety of other occupations, students consider their respective roles as learners, and both consider the reciprocal, interactive nature of the teaching-learning partnership by way of analogies. This mixer activity is designed for a group-learning context, though individual teachers can use it as a self-reflection activity. Other than modeling the science process skill of analogical reasoning, this activity is not intended to teach any specific science concept. This is the only activity in this book that is not based on a science discrepant-event activity that can be used with grades 5-12 students (although teachers may wish to use a modified form of the activity with students to introduce the idea of analogies and the need for them to be active learners).


Type Book ChapterPub Date 3/1/2010Stock # PB271X_1

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