
Forums / Earth and Space Science / Safety Rules in the Classroom

Earth and Space Science

Safety Rules in the Classroom

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Nicole Miranda Nicole Miranda 350 Points

Science is a key to learning in the classroom. It is a way students learn about earth, the solar system, rock cycle, rock formation, laws and so much more. Keeping students engaged is something essential in teaching science. A way to engage students is by experiments and investigations. When it comes to experiments, safety rules are very important. Elementary students, especially grades K-2nd grade, get very excited for things easily. it is important to micro demonstrate the process and how you should and should not do it. Having clear safety rules and explaining them to your class is needed to have a successful lesson. Micromanaging the classroom is needed for things to go smoothly.  A few safety rules you can have are no running, clean area around you, don't push and shove others, report all spills, offer safety goggles and lab coat if needed,etc.

Gustavo Sanabria Gustavo Sanabria 525 Points

Hi Nicole,

You are spot on safety is our number #1 concern when in the classroom. I feel that teachers must also remember to properly explain what to do in the event that an accident does happen such as a spill, leak, or any other potentially hazardous situation. An example would be to show the students how to properly use the eye wash station and not just telling them about it in conversation. It is also important to remember to always remain calm as the teacher and think things through rationally. Here is a good link with more safety rules to check out!



Lizzet Alvarez Lizzet Alvarez 185 Points

I agree with the way you ecxpress the importance of how rules are important in the classroom when teaching students science to help them both stay on track and work safely. Safety rules are also important in the classrtoom because it allows instructions and our students to work nice and neatly. I enjoyed reading your post on science safety rules. 

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5755 Points

Great post! I have not taught at that grade level, but I like to practice the safety steps with students so that they hopefully have some 'muscle memory' if an emergency arises. 

Here are some resources you may enjoy:

Daniel Price Daniel Price 2260 Points


Safety in the science classroom is very important but I also think that learning the safety rules in the classroom can be fun. I am wanting to teach in the middle school classroom and I have taken some tips from my wife who is a high school science teacher. In the first few weeks of class, she has the students go on a scavanger hunt in the classroom where they are asked to find the fire extinguisher, emergency shut off, the exits, etc. I think we could also use this in the middle school classroom since we are trusting them with experiemtns that have more risk factors. As far as elementary students, perhaps you could have them just stick to the things that you want to have them be in charge of such as goggles, protective clothing, the exits, and the first aid box. Allowing students to move around the room and find things for themselves will help them better remember where they can find their safety equipment. 

Michelle Rim Michelle Rim 1755 Points

Hi Nicole, 

I completely agree that safety is a priority in the classroom. With different chemicals, substances, etc., accidents are bound to happen. But showing students how to take preventative measures or how to act when an accident happens, is something very important. Going over details throughly is a way to go before every lab or activity. Better safe than sorry!

Claudia Quiroz Claudia Duca 780 Points

I totally agree! Safety should always be a priority. Even when experiments are "simple" students can always find a different way to do things and might get hurt or hurt someone by accident. I am currently student teaching at a second grade classroom and I taught a science lesson recently. I had a lot of hands-on activities and although I talked to the students about safety rules, everything went out the window as soon as they got their hands on the things I had for them to explore. It was hard for me to tell them to be careful because they were really excited to explore and I didn't want to take the fun out of the lesson, but I should have stopped and reminded them of the safety rules. Thankfully nobody got hurt but things could have gone smoother if I had stopped them and reminded them of the procedures. It is a good idea to keep safety rules posted somewhere so students can see them at all times, and to remind them of the safety before, during and after a lesson. Thank you so much for sharing!

Almadelia Castizo Almadelia Castizo 2815 Points

Hi Nicole, You are so right. Safety is the number one thing to do in a science class. This is another way to have fun in the classroom.

Leah Willie Leah Willie 1790 Points

Hello Nicole,

Thank you for this fantastic post. I agree with you that safety is our number one concern when it comes to the k-2 students. They do get very excited easily. However, I don't like that you used 'micromanaging' to describe it. It just seems like a negative word in today's world. When setting up classroom rules and expectations with these grades in science, I would suggest displaying an ancher chart with the expectations on them so they are reminded. I would also verbally remind the general class if safety issues are happening. Give them options as well. For example, we need to follow our science safety expectations or we can't use the materials. Maybe ask the children who are misbehaving for an alternative to their behavior as well.

Thanks for the post,

Miss Willie

Melissa Brodahl Melissa Brodahl 2065 Points

I fully agree safety is so important in a science classroom! I make an effort to incorporate these safety rules within my lesson plans to make sure I don't forget to teach my students the correct way to safely conduct experiments! I recently taught a lesson on the patterns of the sun and moon, one of the safety concerns I almost forgot to include was to tell students not to look directly at the sun when observing its placement. A great way for students to remember safety is to have them help make the safety rules!

Nicole Strang Nicole Strang 1355 Points


My name is Nicole Strang and I am currently studying to become an Elementary/Special Education teacher.  I love how we are starting to view all the aspects that come within a science lesson.  For myself personally, I'm a big hands-on/ activity junkie.  For students, this can all be very exciting, so as the leader of the classroom we need to set some ground rules to make sure everything goes as smooth as possible.  Some ground rules I like to keep in my 'lab' area are:

  • report any accidents, spills, breakage to the teacher immediately
  • Keep pathways clear
  • Hair must be tied back
  • Wear close-toed shoes, comfortable footwear is best 
  • etc.

Some classroom safety rules I just have overall cab also be referred to during 'lab' work time

  • Accpet responsibility
  • Don't mess with other people's workspace
  • No horse play (running, jumping, out of control behavior)

These are just some helpful tips I will pursue in my own classroom that may help you!

Payton Brown Payton Brown 180 Points

Hi Nicole!

I completely agree that science is very important to implement in the classroom, along with safety. I am currently taking an Introduction to STEM class at the University of Arkansas. Before we start a project, we go over all of our materials, tools, and safety. I have found this very helpful because if we did not do this, I would not feel comfortable using any tool. Students should not be afraid of using certain tools, but they should be safe. Thanks for your post to emphasize that!


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