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Elementary Science

Science Websites

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Taylor Bain Taylor Bain 725 Points

As a future educator of elementary science, what are some valuable and engaging websites you have stumbled upon that perform well in your classrooms and link to state standards? These may be websites, online tools, or links that you have found interesting and are currently using for your classes. Thanks in advance!

Stephanie Wendt Stephanie Wendt 5878 Points

Taylor, here are some links to websites that NSTA just shared with me yesterday. You may find them useful. There are some really cool lesson topics discussed, as well as, opportunites for free webinars. These were created in response to the transition to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

(1) NSTA Daily Do (https://www.nsta.org/dailydo/):
Each weekday, NSTA will share a sensemaking task teachers and families can use to engage their students in authentic, relevant science learning. There are currently five Daily Do available as of today, and more in the queue. You can use them to teach, as part of your course, and/or to share with your students so they use them to teach, similar to how you share a lesson plan.

(2) NSTA Web Seminars (https://learningcenter.nsta.org/webseminars/):
There are several web seminars open for registration.  Three different types: Teacher Tip Tuesday (March 31), Transforming Science Learning (April 1, 8, and 15), and Science Updates (April 29, May 13).  These are all free experiences and participants receive a certificate of attendance that your Pre-service Teachers can use as evidence of their participation for course grade.

(3) #LearningTogether (https://learningcenter.nsta.org/science60/science60-learning-together.aspx)
Share your ideas, links, and strategies for teaching students online.  Support the teachers of science community!

Kelsey Funkhouser Kelsey Funkhouser 1280 Points

I am also a future educator, I wanted to look for some science websites that we could both use in the future! I found a website that look very useful and fun! 


This website provides experiments, games, quizzes, facts, projects, lessons, images, videos, and different topics. It looks very engaging and worth using, especailly during times where students are all online. It will help make learning about science more fun and engaging for the students. 

Mary Potter Mary Potter 745 Points

One of my favorite websites to use for my science lesson plans that I've created in college was the NASA kids website! There are so many interactive things that students can do/use. They're engaging but also fun for them.

Susana Castillo Susana Castillo 1525 Points

Hi Taylor! I'm a future educator as well and I think some engaging website that I have always done when I was even in elementary was BrainPop. I'm pretty sure a lot you guys are familar to BrainPop. It provides video explaining on the topic that you want your students to learn. At the end of the video, students are able to take a quiz after listening and watching the video. I think you can even do a fun activitity after listening a BrainPop video. 

Autumn Miller Autumn Miller 640 Points

I have found that virtual field trips are extremely helpful! 

Here is the link! 


Ignacio Jimenez Ignacio Jimenez 1100 Points

Hi Taylor, I have used Mystery Science, it is NGSS aligned it even has some lessons, adapted for virtual learning!

All the best luck, 


Ashlee Alvarez Ashlee Alvarez 385 Points

Hi Taylor,

Try out these websites! They have been great help for planning and getting resources: https://www.cpalms.org/Public/search/Standard & https://4-h.org/about/4-h-at-home/


Jessica Patino Jessica Patino 580 Points

One website that I really like is the virtual zoo website. There is one for the San Diego zoo and it is very captivating for young students. 

 Brittany Culp 120 Points

I really like teachers pay teachers because there are so many things and ideas that you can get from someone else it you can always modify it to your classroom students.

Brielle Davis Brielle Davis 480 Points




-Brielle Davis

Amanda Robin amanda robin 1395 Points

Love these! 

Hannah Moore Hannah Moore 855 Points


I think wonderville looks really interesting. I am seen this website linked several times throuhgout different forums, I will definitely check it out!

Susana Castillo Susana Castillo 1525 Points

Hi Brielle! Thank you so much providing these links! I will look into them and hoping that I can use them for my future classroom. 

April Romero April Romero 380 Points

I really love brainpop.com they have so many videos about a variety of science topics as well as other subjects. This website also includes worksheets, games and even coding activities!

Shelby Myers Shelby Myers 510 Points


This is a useful webiste because it provides hands-on science expereinces that teach students scientific concepts. 

Shelby Myers Shelby Myers 510 Points


This is a useful webiste because it provides hands-on science expereinces that teach students scientific concepts. 

Autumn Trexel Autumn Trexel 2310 Points

I am a pre-service teacher in a Science Methods course. One science resource that I have found to be really helpful is https://www.nextgenscience.org/. They have all the Next Generation Science Standards laid out by grade level along with cross-cutting concepts, disciplinary core ideas, and science and engineering practices to go with each one. The website also has some high quality science units and assessment resources that you can use in your classroom. I have used their website to help create science lessons, and I plan to use it in my own classroom someday as well!

Diana Hernandez diana hernandez 270 Points

thank you for sharing websites that we can use to make science fun.


do you know of websites that are available in spanish for bilingual stutudents? 

Katie Andrews Katie Andrews 675 Points

I cannot wait to be able to check some of these websites out! I know there are also websites where you can discet animals virutally! I don't know specific names though. 

Hannah Moore Hannah Moore 855 Points


Peta has a donation program where teachers can fill out the form and recieve a program that has virtual dissections.

Madalyne Young Madalyne Felton 2230 Points

This website allows classrooms to 'adopt' a cow as a classroom pet. https://www.discoverdairy.com/adopt-a-cow/

Teachers apply to be apart of the program and upon approval, the classroom gets updates, pictures, and information about the cow. I think this would be something that the kids would LOVE, who wouldn't want a cow as a 'classroom pet' students also get the chance to have a video conference with the cow and the farmer that takes care of him/her. 

Ashlee Metts Ashlee Metts 855 Points

Oh, my goodness that would be so fun to do! I can imagine how engaging this could be. I grew up on a Farm. Now I so want a cow as a classroom pet. Thank you for sharing this site.


Ashlee Metts Ashlee Metts 855 Points

Oh, my goodness that would be so fun to do! I can imagine how engaging this could be. I grew up on a Farm. Now I so want a cow as a classroom pet. Thank you for sharing this site.


Hannah Moore Hannah Moore 855 Points

This awesome! Kids would love this (and so would I). This would be such a cool way to incoporate agriculture or farming into a unit as well.

Susana Castillo Susana Castillo 1525 Points

I think this really fun to do with the class. I was wondering if they can do other animals as their classroom pet. I remember when I was in middle school my math teacher would always have a hamster as her classroom pet. It always fun to see the growth of the the hamster and hamster run around the room when its in hamster ball. 

Tiffancy Red Tiffancy Red 10 Points

I found a website that provides hands-on science experiments that teach students basic scientific concepts. https://www.ronyestech.com/

Mitchell Crothers Mitchell Crothers 280 Points

I recently used a game on Legendsoflearning.com for a natural resources lesson and the games are very interactive and educational. 

Kinsley Luke Kinsley Luke 10 Points

It is an interesting platform to get scientific knowledge.


Mariana Gonzalez Mariana Gonzalez 775 Points

Some fun websites I found are:




Kayla Cavazos Kayla Cavazos 845 Points

IXL is a great resource! Thank you for sharing it! It has definitely helped me alot in my afterschool care program. Especially the diagostics and analytics feature so teachers can see where students are struggling. 

Sarah Campbell Sarah Campbell 415 Points

Hi Taylor, 

The website links that I have provided below carry a variety of different components that will enhance the learning of science in your classroom. Personally, I like the websites that provide me with hands-on activities that I can have my students participate in within the classroom. The National Geographic Kids website provides families with at-home activities they can do together. I saw a previous reply that provided you with the NSTA Daily Dos website as well which I also enjoy referencing back to. 

Thank you, 

Sarah Campbell





Kayla Cavazos Kayla Cavazos 845 Points

Great resources!! I have never heard of Learn Concord and found the module setup of some of the activities very interesting!

Luke Anderson Luke Anderson 310 Points

Hi Taylor,

In my search for impactful science websites, I was able to find an outlet that identifies 11 different great science education websites.

Each has their own strengths, with some focusing more on inquiry. while others prefer to look more towards creativity. Depending on the needs of you and your students, I'm sure some of these websites would prove to be beneficial! One of my favorite sites found on the outlet would be Teachers TryScience, which provides teachers with great experiments to use in the classroom along with helpful safety tips. Teachers TryScience is also directly linked to the Next Generation Science Standards, making lesson creation much easier.

Here is the link for the outlet: https://interestingengineering.com/11-of-the-best-science-websites-for-interactive-learning 

Best of luck!

Luke Anderson. Pre-service teacher, Wartburg College Class of '22

Coraly King Coraly King 10 Points

Here is a complete list of kid's science experiment websites: https://www.ronyestech.com/2020/11/the-best-science-experiments-website-for-kids.html

I found it while searching for science project for kids today. I think I found the treasure, and here is a list for almost all scientific experiments.

There are also the following resources:

Science Activities Pinterest Accounts

Science Experiment TikTok Accounts

Katelyn Hansen Katelyn Hansen 1330 Points

I love that I will be able to come back to this post to use these awesome resources. 

Kayla Cavazos Kayla Cavazos 845 Points

I was thinking that too! It is an awesome resource to have no matter what grade you teach. 

Kayla Cavazos Kayla Cavazos 845 Points





Nasa is a good resource. While finding science lessons websites are pretty easy to come by I like the idea of using NASA because I know they are a reliable source of information. They have alot of different sites depending on exactly what you are looking for. They also list the common core standards on the activity page. 

Alicia Koszyk Alicia Koszyk 600 Points

I love NASA kids, Nat Geo for Kids and the Smithsonian website!

Katie Weldy Katie Weldy 160 Points

Also, a future educator here! I have been inside several classroom that has used different websites to engage their students in for science. One in particular is using youtube to show students different expereiments or facts about a topic they are learning about. This could be a great useful tool because students love watching youtube and learning new things from it! Also, for younger age students since being distance and not being able to go to a zoo taking a zoo field trip vitrually is another fun lesson idea! They can do more than just science, such as write about what they are seen or comparing different aniamls. Those are some ideas of wesbites that I have seen being used in the classrooms.

Brenna Egendoerfer Brenna Egendoerfer 410 Points

I am also a future educator! I think that using videos is something that it very helpful. The students get intrigued whenever a video comes on and they give it their undivided attention. Also, I think virtual expriements and virtual labs are very cool and interesting, they seem real without actually being real! Lastly, I think the NSTA Daily Do's are very helpful as a resource and can make any lesson stronger.

Bailey Dant Bailey Dant 435 Points

A simple website that I have come to love for studnets is the Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids! I think this is a great resource for when your students are jittery and just need a 5 minute breather from learning. The website is useful and educational. I believe the beauty of the website is that it is full of random but interesting inforamtion that they can share with their peers or families! Some examples are the weather, moon phases, and different activities. 

Jennifer Hamm Jennifer Hamm 730 Points

I am also a future educator and one resource that always gets the students in my field placement excited is PhET Interactive Simulations. I even remember using this resource when I was in school and it is really helpful for learning. The site allows students to simulate experiements they would not be able to do in the classroom, which gives them more opprotunities to be hands on. It is way more interesting to see the students learning from experimenting and being hands on than from learning through a textbook or a lecture. 

Paige Neff Paige Neff 730 Points

For science, my go-to website is mystery science. You can look up almost anything on this site. There are videos and quizzes for the students to do. You can either pick topics to go perfectly with your standards, or you can just pick a fun science topic you'd like your students to learn about. 

Shayla Ball Shayla Ball 650 Points

I would say use NASA. NSTA Daily Do is a good option as well. I also stumbled across mystery science and really enjoyed it. I like that it offers videos for students to watch and there are even quizzes available too!

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